New Post Editor blogger

Diposting oleh Sovan Ibnu Hamid

How to enable the new editor

To enable the new editor, first navigate to your blog's Settings | Basic tab. Near the bottom of the page you will see a field called Select Post Editor, and from there you simply need to select Updated Editor and save your settings. That's it! Now on to the new features...

Improved Image Handling

When you upload an image to the new post editor it will appear as a thumbnail in the image dialog box. That way, you can upload several images at once, and then add them into your post at your convenience. The thumbnails will be available until you close the post editor.

When you add an image from the dialog into your post it will be placed at the insertion point instead of at the top of the post.

If you don’t like where an image is in your post, you can drag it around to another spot. If you drag it towards the left side of the editor it will float to the left, likewise for the right, and if you leave it in the center it will be centered. You can drag the image between paragraphs and other block elements. Unlike in the current editor, dragging in the new editor preserves the link to the full-size version of the image.
You can easily resize or remove an image with the image size “bubble.” Click on the image (Firefox 3 users may need to double-click) to bring up the bubble, and resize the image instantly. You can resize any image, including ones added by URL, but if you resize an image that was uploaded through the post editor we resample the image on our servers to keep the download size small.

Other New Features
  1. Add your location to your posts with geotagging
  2. Posts are now timestamped at the date and time they are published, not when they were orignally created.
  3. Vertical resizing. You can now change the height of the post editor by dragging the resize handle in the lower right (near the labels field). The size is saved in a per-user, per-blog preference.
  4. Easy link editing in Compose mode. Just click a link and you’ll have the option of changing its URL or removing the link
  5. Full Safari 3 support on both Windows and Macintosh. The old editor is pretty quirky on these browsers, but the new editor works as you’d expect.
  6. New Preview dialog that shows your post in a width and font size approximating what you’d see on a blog.
  7. Placeholder image for tags (such as those from video embeds) so that you can see and drag them around Compose mode.
  8. New toolbar. This toolbar looks better, loads more quickly, and has undo and redo buttons. By popular demand, the full justification button has returned. We’ve also added a strike through button and improved the color palettes.
More aboutNew Post Editor blogger

Review Layanan Internet Flexi Unlimited

Diposting oleh Sovan Ibnu Hamid

Saat browsing tanpa sengaja saya menemukan informasi akses internet unlimited dari Flexi. Rupanya sekarang para operator CDMA/GSM mulai berlomba-lomba menawarkan akses internet untuk customernya. Karena memang celah yang satu ini memiliki potensi yang masih cukup besar untuk digarap oleh operator/ISP. :)
Setelah mendapat informasi tersebut, pada tanggal 16 Sep 2009 langsung saya coba mendaftar dengan mengetik REG[spasi]MINGGUAN dengan tarif Rp. 15.000,- untuk berlangganan selama 7 hari. Sedangkan untuk yang paket harian tarifnya Rp. 3.000,- untuk Flexi prabayar. Setelah mendaftar tidak lama kemudian saya mendapat pesan dari operator berupa ->
username : xxxx@free
password : telkom

Lumayan, dial pada hari itu cukup cepat walaupun kecepatan akses yang diberikan cukup lambat :-) maklum tarifnya memang murah kan?
tapi yang paling menjengkelkan, keesokan harinya untuk dial sulitnya minta ampun dan tidak pernah berhasil sampai keesokan harinya. :-( Karena saya coba berulang-ulang tetap gagal, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk berhenti dengan mengetik STOP dikirim ke 2255. Mungkin operator Flexi perlu memperbaiki layanannya, jika belum siap untuk meluncurkan paket unlimited jangan memaksakan diri untuk menjual jasanya ke konsumen. alih-alih mendapatkan akses internet murah meskipun lambat tidak apa-apa, asalkan untuk dial/log in mudah saya rasa masih bisa dimaklumi.
More aboutReview Layanan Internet Flexi Unlimited

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Diposting oleh Sovan Ibnu Hamid

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